8:30-8:45 Welcome and opening of industry day of nPV | | | | | | | |
Radovan Kopecek, ISC Konstanz, Summary of Wednesday, preview of Thursday program and outlook to HERCULES WS |
8.45-9:20 Motivation and overview presentation |
Vardaan Chawla, Sun Edison, Change of Wp-thinking to kWh-mentality |
9:20-10:30 Material and Wafers | Chair: Jan Schmidt, Dan Chawla |
9:20-9:50 | Yu Hu, Norsun, High quality cost effective n-type ingots |
9:50-10:10 | Paula Bronsveld, ECN, Dark rings in n-type Cz wafers after processing |
10:10-10:30 | Benoit Martel, INES, Solar cell performance along the ingot |
10:30-10:50 | Giuseppe Galbiati, ISC Konstanz, Material quality for low cost IBC solar cells |
Coffee |
11:00-12:45 Industrial solar cells in R&D | Chair: Joachim John, Stefan Glunz |
11:00-11:15 | Filip Duerinckx, IMEC, Ni/Cu plated n-type Si rear junction cells with efficiencies up to 22% |
11:15-11:30 | Bernd Steinhauser, ISE, NiCu plating for n-type solar cells – avoiding Voc losses due to Screen-Printing |
11:30-11:45 | Yevgeniya Larinova, ISFH, Industrial ion implanted, co-annealed and fully screen-printed bifacial n-PERT solar cells with low-doped back-surface fields |
12:00-12:15 | Ingrid Romijn, ECN, From n-Pasha to n-MTW: challenges and achievements at ECN |
11:45-12:00 | Valentin Mihailetchi, ISC Konstanz, Status of ZEBRA solar cell and module technology |
12:15-12:30 | Pierre-Jean Ribeyron, INES, Key optimization routes for silicon heterojunction (HJ) technology at the pilot line level |
12:30-12:45 | Matthieu Despeisse, EPFL/CSEM, Silicon heterojunction solar cells and modules: status on technology developments in Neuchâtel |
Lunch |
14:00-15:30 Solar cells in production | Chair: Delfina Munoz, Arthur Weeber |
14:00-14:15 | Franco Traverso, MegaCell, BiSoN in production |
14:15-14:30 | Zih-Wei Peng, Motech, Progress of nPERT Cells/Modules in Production |
14:30-14:45 | Ajeet Rohatgi, Suniva, Ion implanted high efficiency front junction N-type silicon solar cells with tunnel oxide passivated back contact |
14:45-15:00 | Ben Heng, Silevo, >23.3% high efficiency tunel oxide junction bifacial solar cell with electroplated Cu gridlines |
15:00-15:15 | Ronald Naber, Tempress, Doping techniques and process integration solutions for n-type solar cells |
15:15-15:30 | Wolfgang Jooss, centrotherm, Process solutions for passivated boron emitter |
Coffee |
15:50-16:20 Discussion and closing of nPV | Chair: Radovan Kopecek et al. |